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the common faults and solutions of pe blown film question news 气泡膜|信封袋|气泡袋|缠绕膜|保鲜膜|拉伸膜-乐鱼官方网站入口

source: time:2015-09-18 14:51:00 frequency:

the 1 film is too sticky, the opening of
fault reason:
the resin material type is not correct, low density polyethylene resin particles is not blown, low content of which does not contain the opening agent or opening agent;
the molten resin temperature is too high, liquidity is too big;
the blow ratio is too large, resulting in the opening of the film becomes worse;
the cooling rate is too slow, film cooling, bonding occurs in traction roll pressure;
the traction speed is too fast.
the replacement of resin raw materials, or to add a certain amount of the bucket opening agent;
the appropriate to reduce the extrusion temperature and the temperature of the resin;
the appropriate to reduce the blow ratio;
the increase in volume, improve the cooling effect, accelerate the speed of film cooling;
the appropriate to reduce the traction speed.
the 2 film transparency difference
fault reason:
the extrusion temperature is low, resin plasticating, poor transparency caused by blow molding film;
the blowing ratio is too small;
the cooling effect is poor, thus affecting the transparency of the film;
the moisture content of the resin in the raw material is too large;
the traction speed is too fast, insufficient cooling film.
the proper increase of the extrusion temperature, the resin can be uniform plasticizing;
appropriately increasing the blowing ratio;
increase the volume, improve the cooling effect;
the drying of raw materials;
the appropriate to reduce the traction speed.
3 thin wrinkles
fault reason:
the film thickness is not uniform;
the cooling effect is not enough;
the blow ratio is too large, causing bubble instability around, swinging back and forth, prone to wrinkles;
the angle between the spica splint is too large, flattened vesicles within a short distance, so the film is also prone to wrinkle;
the traction roller on both sides of the pressure is inconsistent, side higher;
between the various axis of the guide roller is not parallel, affecting the stability of peace and development of film, and wrinkles.
the adjustment of the thickness of the film, to ensure uniform thickness;
the film can improve the cooling effect, ensure sufficient cooling;
the appropriate to reduce the blow ratio;
the angle of decreasing herringbone splint;
the adjustment of the traction roller pressure, ensure film uniform stress;
the inspection of the axis of the guiding shaft, which are parallel to each other.
4, thin fog water
fault reason:
the extrusion temperature is low, resin plasticating;
the resin moisture, the moisture content is too high.
the adjustment of the extruder temperature setting, and increasing the extrusion temperature.
the resin raw material drying, the general requirements of the resin moisture content should not exceed 0.3%.
5 uneven film thickness
fault reason:
the uniformity of the die gap directly influences the uniformity of film thickness, if the die gap is not uniform, some parts of the large gap, some parts of the gap is small, resulting in output more or less, therefore, the thickness of the film formed is not consistent, some parts of some parts of thin, thick;
the die temperature distribution is not uniform, high and low, so that the film thickness of the uneven blow;
the cooling wind ring around the air volume is not consistent, caused by uneven cooling effect, so that the thickness of the films appear uneven phenomenon;
the blow ratio and traction ratio is not appropriate, the bubble thickness is not easy to control;
the traction speed is not constant, change continuously, this certainly will affect the film thickness.
the adjustment of machine die gap, ensure uniform;
to adjust the head of the die temperature, the temperature of die uniform;
the regulation of cooling device, ensure the air outlet air uniform;
the adjustment of blow ratio and traction ratio;
check the mechanical transmission device, the traction speed is kept constant.
6 the thickness of the film is thick
fault reason:
the die gap and the extrusion amount is too large, so the film thickness is too thick;
the air cooling wind ring is too large, film cooling too fast;
the traction speed is too slow.
the die gap adjustment;
the decreasing wind ring volume, the film further blow, so that the thickness of some;
the proper increase of traction speed.
7 the thickness of the film is thin
fault reason:
the die gap is small, the resistance is too large, so the thin film thickness;
the air cooling wind ring is too small, too slow cooling film;
the traction speed is too fast, so that the film stretching over, thinner.
the die gap adjustment;
the increasing wind ring volume, speed up the film cooling;
the appropriate to reduce the traction speed.
heat sealing film 8 difference
fault reason:
the dew point is too low, the polymer molecules oriented, so that the film close to the performance oriented film, resulting in reduced heat sealing performance;
the blow ratio and traction than inappropriate (too big), film drawing orientation, thus affecting the sealing performance of the film.
adjusting the size of fan ring, the dew point is a little higher, as much as possible in the plastic melting point of blowing and drawing, in order to reduce inflation and lead to the traction molecular orientation;
the blow ratio should be smaller than the traction and, if the blow ratio is too large, and the traction speed is too fast, the transverse and longitudinal stretch film over, then, will make the film performances are biaxial tensile, heat sealing film will become worse.
the longitudinal tensile strength of 9 thin films
fault reason:
the molten resin temperature is too high, decrease the longitudinal tensile strength of the film;
the traction speed is slow, the vertical directional effect film is not enough, so that the longitudinal tensile strength variation;
the blow ratio is too large, the same traction ratio does not match, the film's horizontal directional effect and increase of tensile strength, tensile strength and longitudinal variation will;
the film cooling speed too fast.
the appropriate to reduce the temperature of the molten resin;
appropriately increasing the traction speed;
the adjustment of blow ratio, to adapt to traction;
the appropriate to reduce the cooling rate.
the transverse tensile strength of 10 thin films
fault reason:
traction speed is too fast, too much with the blow ratio is, the longitudinal fibrosis, transverse strength is worse;
the cooling speed of the cooling wind ring is too slow.
the appropriate to reduce the traction speed, and make the combination of blow ratio;
the increase of wind blown air ring, the membrane rapid cooling, avoid high
stretch orientation of high elastic state under temperature.
11 bubble instability
fault reason:
the extrusion temperature is too high, too large flow of molten resin, the viscosity is too small, easy to fluctuate;
the extrusion temperature is too low, the discharge amount of;
the cooling wind ring of air bubble unstable, uneven cooling;
the interference and influence of foreign strong airflow.
the adjustment of extrusion temperature;
the adjustment of extrusion temperature;
check the cooling wind ring, ensure the surrounding air uniform;
the prevent and reduce the interference of outside air.
12, the film surface roughness, uneven
fault reason:
the extrusion temperature is too low, resin plasticating;
the extrusion speed is too fast.
the adjustment of the extrusion temperature setting, and increasing the extrusion temperature, ensure good plasticizing resin;
the decreasing speed of extrusion.
the 13 film smell
fault reason:
the resin material itself has peculiar smell;
the molten resin extrusion temperature is too high, resulting in resin decomposition, resulting in odor;
the bubble cooling, hot air bubble inside has not ruled out clean.
the replacement of resin raw materials;
the adjustment of extrusion temperature;
improving the cooling efficiency of the cooling wind ring, the bubble full cooling.


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